The Annotated Afanas′ev Library
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Meter color: Black = iambic,
red = trochee,
blue = pyrrhic,
green = spondee.
Meter variation: From Scherr 1986 (and ultimately from Taranovsky 1953)
(see below).
Word meter: M = masculine (red),
F = feminine (blue), D = dactylic or longer (black).
Stressed vowel color: Black = /a/,
red = /i/,
blue = /o/,
green = /e/,
purple = /u/.
Rhyme: Lower-case (a) = masculine, upper-case (A) = feminine, upper-case with prime (A′) = dactylic.
Line | Text | Meter | Meter Variation | Word Group Boundary | Word Meter | Stressed Vowels | Rhyme |
1 |
Духов|ной жа|ждою | томим, |
IV |
O X O|X O O|O X | F
M |
O A I |
a |
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